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What is a brand?

A brand identity is made up of what your brand says, what your values are, how you communicate your product, and what you want people to feel when they interact with your company. Essentially, your brand identity is the personality of your business and a promise to your customers.

The terms "brand" and logo" are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same. Originally, the term "brand" was used to refer to the mark that cattle ranchers "branded" on their cattle.

However, the idea of a "brand" has since evolved to encompass much more than just a name or a symbol.

A brand is a feature — or set of features — that distinguishes one organization from another. A brand is typically comprised of a name, tagline, logo or symbol, design, brand voice, and more.

Brand identity, then, is the aspect of branding that focuses on your brand's personality, as well as the values you convey to customers.

Brand identity

Why is brand identity so important?

As the embodiment of almost everything your business is and does, a brand identity can inspire customers and increase a sense of loyalty for your brand. Brand identity, therefore, is crucial to your business's future.
So, if your brand is more than just its logo, how can you replicate what brands like Coca-Cola have done and instill other unique elements into your business's identity?
Here are six components of a well-developed brand identity, and why it's so important for you to develop them.

The "Face" of Your Business

For all intents and purposes, your brand's logo is the "face" of your business. But that face should do more than just look cool or interesting — a logo's contribution to brand identity is associative, too.
It tells the public that [this image] means [the name of your company].

Credibility and Trust

Having a brand identity doesn't just make your product more memorable; it makes your brand more authoritative in the marketplace.
A brand that establishes a face, and maintains that face consistently over time, develops credibility among its competitors and trust among its customers.

Advertising Impressions

A brand identity is a template for everything you would include on an advertisement for your business — whether that ad is in print, online, or a preroll commercial on YouTube.
A brand with a face and industry credibility is well prepared to promote itself and make impressions on potential buyers.

Your Company's Mission

When you create an identity for your brand, you're giving it something to stand for. That, in turn, gives your company a purpose.
We all know companies have mission statements, right? Well, you can't have one without first giving your brand an identity.

Generating New Customers and Delighting Existing Ones

A brand identity — one with a face, trust, and a mission — attracts people who agree with what your brand has to offer. But once these people become customers, that same brand identity gives them a sense of belonging.
A good product generates customers, but a good brand generates advocates.
If you want your business to become a well-known and beloved brand name, it's going to take some work.

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